Visit our center to determine
if our program fits with your child's needs.
Fill out an interest card.
Applicants are taken on an on-going basis. A waiting list is established for impacted classrooms and applications will be kept for six months.
If there is a space available
for your child, we will call you and request a non-refundable registration fee of ($150.00) and hand you a registration packet. The fee will guarantee a spot for your child at our center (for two
weeks) until all required paperwork is completed.
Once the packet is complete,
a meeting time will be arranged to review the paperwork and decide on your child's start date.
Tuition is due the 1stof the month. A $10 late fee is applied after the 10thof the
month. Monthly tuition does not change based on sick days,
vacations, school closures or other days when school is not in session.
PYA will be closed for winter break starting Monday 12/23/2024 - Friday
1/3/2025. Wishing everyone a peaceful winter break and a blessed new year! See you all on Monday January 6th, 2025, insha'Allah.
Currently, PYA is at full capacity for 3-year-olds in both sessions and
at full capacity for 4-year-olds in the morning session. Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now closed. New registration for the upcoming school year will be in May, insha'Allah.
Please check back often for the exact dates.
Monday, January 20th PYA will be closed in observance
of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.