Prime Years Academy
Prime Years Academy

The Enrollment Process

  1. Visit our center to determine if our program fits with your child's needs.
  2. Fill out an interest card. Applicants are taken on an on-going basis. A waiting list is established for impacted classrooms and applications will be kept for six months.
  3. If there is a space available for your child, we will call you and request a non-refundable registration fee of ($150.00) and hand you a registration packet. The fee will guarantee a spot for your child at our center (for two weeks) until all required paperwork is completed.
  4. Once the packet is complete, a meeting time will be arranged to review the paperwork and decide on your child's start date.

Tuition is due the 1st of the month. A $10 late fee is applied after the 10th of the month.
Monthly tuition does not change based on sick days, vacations, school closures or other days when school is not in session.





If you received an enrollment packet during the May registration window, you MUST stop by the preschool on either 7/30 or 7/31 between (10:00am-12:00pm) for a file check. Children will not be admitted on the first day of school without being cleared. No file checks on the first day of school. (NO EXCEPTIONS). 


Parent Information Night (PIN)

Please join us on Monday 8/12/2024 from 6:00pm-8:00pm for Parent Information Night where we share important information about our school's policies and procedures and a chance to meet with your child's teachers for the year. 


First Day of School

PYA's first day of instruction for 2024-2025 will be on Tuesday, 8/13/2024, insha'Allah. 

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